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Given the range of models, styles, and sizes of washers available, there are many things to consider when shopping for a washer to ensure your choice will be adequate for your family's needs. Installation requirements are also of prime importance, as are the costs of the appliance, including both the purchase cost and the cost of operating the washer over its lifetime.

Front loaders

Front-loading washing machines generally cost more to buy than top loaders, but perform better and use less water and energy. They work by gently turning your washing over and over in a tumbling action, picking it up and repeatedly dropping it into the wash water. While it sounds harsh, they're actually quite gentle on clothes. It also makes them better at handling unbalanced loads. Because they use less water, the wash cycle often takes longer than a top loader, though many front loaders have "fast-wash" cycles.

If you have solar hot water and wish to use it for washing, you need a washing machine with a hot water connection. Finding front loaders with a dual hot and cold water connection can be difficult as most have internal heaters.


Gentler on clothes

Generally use less water

Generally more energy efficient when washing in warm water

Use less detergent

More programs and higher temperature options

Cheaper to run

Higher spin speeds, which means faster drying (and cheaper if you use a clothes dryer)

Best for small spaces – you can fit most under a bench or put a dryer on or above it


Longer wash cycles – over three hours in some cases

Difficult or impossible to retrieve keys, phones or other items left in pockets mid-cycle

Generally more expensive to buy

You often can't add to the wash load after the cycle has started

Heavy to move

Some need special brackets if placed on a wooden floor

Tend to have louder spin cycles

Some may rinse poorly due to their low water usage

As the name suggests, washer-dryer combos combine both a front-loading washing machine and a clothes dryer in a single appliance. It seems like a great idea, but they can be expensive, more prone to break downs, and many of them take a very long time to dry a load of clothes.

We hope this guide helped you choose the correct washing machine for your requirements. Stay tuned to zjnanyangmotor for Pros and Cons of Front Loader Washing machine and parts of washing machine - Semi Automatic Spin Motor
