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Let's discuss the key differences between Grunt and Gulp over here -

  • Grunt focuses on ***configuration***, whereas Gulp focuses on ***code***.
  • Grunt was built around a ***set of built-in or commonly used tasks***, whereas Gulp was developed so that ***micro-tasks should connect to each other***.
  • Grunt has been designed to use a series of plugins that each perform ***multiple tasks at the same time***. Each plugin for Gulp is written with the ***goal of doing one thing very well***.
  • Grunt uses data configuration files that are similar to JSON, whereas Gulp employs ***JavaScript***, which tends to be easier to write.
  • Gulp code is often much ***shorter than Grunt code***, as you have to declare source and destination files for every task in Grunt.
  • Gulp has a major advantage with speed because Gulp uses streams and handles tasks in memory, which means that only one file is written. But with Grunt, a temp file is saved with every plug-in pass and final destination file is written after passing through all plug-ins making it longer.
  • Gulp can ***process several tasks at the same time***, but Grunt will normally handle one task at a time only.
  • As Gulp is more about coding and single task plug-ins, configuring plug-ins in Gulp is a much more standardized process compared to Grunt plug-ins.
  • Around 6000+ Grunt plug-ins and 2700+ Gulp plug-ins listed on their corresponding official sites.