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Evolution of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

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Evolution of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

The industrial revolution is an evolutionary leap in the human race. It transformed the agrarian human race into a mechanized human race.

The industrial revolution converged technology, society, and manpower to enable products/solutions, which changed the face of human existence.

Industrial revolution can be classified into four eras, namely:

  • Industry 1.0: This era focused on mass-producing agri products and handloom products to a scale which was never seen earlier. This massive increase in production led to economic growth and social transformation.

  • Industry 2.0: This era enabled the invention of automobiles, railways, roads, and so on.

  • Industry 3.0: This era is also known as the digital revolution. The invention of electronics and computers fueled the industrial shift from mechanical to electronics.

  • Industry 4.0: This revolution is the synergy of the physical, digital, and biological world. It enabled ubiquitous computing, mobile super-computing, artificially-intelligent robots, and self-driven cars. Ultimately, it challenges our idea about what it means to be a human.
