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What is Dependency Injection in Angular?

3 Answers

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Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern where the objects are passed as dependencies rather than hard-coding them within the component. The concept of Dependency Injection comes in handy when you are trying to separate the logic of object creation to that of its consumption. The ‘config’ operation makes use of DI that must be configured beforehand while the module gets loaded to retrieve the elements of the application. With this feature, a user can change dependencies as per his requirements.

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Dependency injection is an application design pattern that is implemented by Angular. It is used to form the core concepts of Angular. Dependencies are services in Angular which have some specific functionality. Various components and directives in an application can need these functionalities of the service. Angular provides a smooth mechanism by which these dependencies are injected into components and directives.

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Dependency injection (DI), is an important application design pattern in which a class asks for dependencies from external sources rather than creating them itself. Angular comes with its own dependency injection framework for resolving dependencies( services or objects that a class needs to perform its function).So you can have your services depend on other services throughout your application.