in JAVA by
Explain about instanceof operator in java?

Instanceof operator is used to test the object is of which type.

Syntax : <reference expression> instanceof <destination type>

Instanceof returns true if reference expression is subtype of destination type.

Instanceof returns false if reference expression is null.

Example : public classInstanceOfExample {public static voidmain(String[] args) {Integer a =

newInteger(5);if (a instanceof java.lang.Integer) {


} else {






Since a is integer object it returns true.

There will be a compile time check whether reference expression is subtype of destination type. If it is not

a subtype then compile time error will be shown as Incompatible types

1 Answer

0 votes

Instanceof operator is used to test the object is of which type.

Syntax : <reference expression> instanceof <destination type>

Instanceof returns true if reference expression is subtype of destination type.

Instanceof returns false if reference expression is null.

Example : public classInstanceOfExample {public static voidmain(String[] args) {Integer a =

newInteger(5);if (a instanceof java.lang.Integer) {

