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Kali Linux and Linux Commands Line List

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Linux CommandFunctions
 eject Eject removable media
 enable Enable and disable builtin shell commands
 env Environment variables
 ethtool Ethernet card settings
 eval Evaluate several commands/arguments
 exec Execute a command
 exit Exit the shell
 expand Convert tabs to spaces
 expect Automate arbitrary applications accessed over a terminal
 export Set an environment variable
 expr Evaluate expressions
 fdformat Low-level format a floppy disk
 fdisk Partition table manipulator for Linux
 fg Send job to foreground
 fgrep Search files for lines that match a fixed string
 file Determine file type
 find Search for files that meet a desired criteria
 fmt Reformat paragraph text
 fold Wrap text to fit a specified width
 for Expand words, and execute commands
 format Format disks or tapes
 free Display memory usage
 fsck File system consistency check and repair
 ftp File Transfer Protocol
 function Define Function Macros
 fuser Identify/kill the process that is accessing a file
gawk Find and Replace text within files
 getopts Parse positional parameters
 grep Search files for lines that match a given pattern
 groupadd Add a user security group
 groupdel Delete a group
 groupmod Modify a group
 groups Print group names a user is in
 gzip Compress or decompress named files
hash Remember the full pathname of a name argument
 head Output the first part of files
 help Display help for a built-in command
 history Command History
 hostname Print or set system name
 iconv Convert the character set of a file
 id Print user and group id’s
 if Conditionally perform a command
 ifconfig Configure a network interface
 ifdown Stop a network interface
 ifup Start a network interface up
 import Capture an X server screen and save the image to file
 install Copy files and set attributes
jobs List active jobs
 join Join lines on a common field
 kill Stop a process from running