To secure Angular applications against XSS and CSRF attacks, follow these steps:
1. Utilize Angular’s built-in protection: Angular automatically escapes potentially harmful characters in data bindings, preventing most XSS attacks.
2. Sanitize user input: Use the DomSanitizer service to sanitize untrusted HTML or CSS before inserting it into the DOM.
3. Implement Content Security Policy (CSP): Configure CSP headers on your server to restrict sources of scripts, styles, and other resources.
4. Prevent CSRF attacks: Use a CSRF token with each request that modifies data. Store the token in an HttpOnly cookie and include it as a custom header in requests.
5. Validate user permissions: Implement authorization checks on both client-side routes and server-side API endpoints to ensure users can only access allowed resources.
6. Keep dependencies up-to-date: Regularly update Angular and third-party libraries to apply security patches.