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What is the Trade-off Between Bias and Variance?
in Artificial Intelligence by

4 Answers

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The bias-variance decomposition essentially decomposes the learning error from any algorithm by adding the bias, variance, and a bit of irreducible error due to noise in the underlying dataset. 

Necessarily, if you make the model more complex and add more variables, you’ll lose bias but gain variance. To get the optimally-reduced amount of error, you’ll have to trade off bias and variance. Neither high bias nor high variance is desired.

High bias and low variance algorithms train models that are consistent, but inaccurate on average.

High variance and low bias algorithms train models that are accurate but inconsistent. 

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Bias is error due to erroneous or overly simplistic assumptions in the learning algorithm you’re using. This can lead to the model underfitting your data, making it hard for it to have high predictive accuracy and for you to generalize your knowledge from the training set to the test set.

Variance is error due to too much complexity in the learning algorithm you’re using. This leads to the algorithm being highly sensitive to high degrees of variation in your training data, which can lead your model to overfit the data. You’ll be carrying too much noise from your training data for your model to be very useful for your test data.

The bias-variance decomposition essentially decomposes the learning error from any algorithm by adding the bias, the variance and a bit of irreducible error due to noise in the underlying dataset. Essentially, if you make the model more complex and add more variables, you’ll lose bias but gain some variance — in order to get the optimally reduced amount of error, you’ll have to tradeoff bias and variance. You don’t want either high bias or high variance in your model.
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Both bias and variance are errors. Bias is an error due to erroneous or overly simplistic assumptions in the learning algorithm. It can lead to the model under-fitting the data, making it hard to have high predictive accuracy and generalize the knowledge from the training set to the test set.

Variance is an error due to too much complexity in the learning algorithm. It leads to the algorithm being highly sensitive to high degrees of variation in the training data, which can lead the model to overfit the data.

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If our model is too simple and has very few parameters then it may have high bias and low variance. On the other hand if our model has large number of parameters then it’s going to have high variance and low bias. So we need to find the right/good balance without overfitting and underfitting the data. 
