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Explain Angular Material Buttons

1 Answer

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Angular directing <mat-button> is used to create a button with content styling and animations. Angular content buttons are native <button> or elements enhanced with styling and ink ripples.

Native <button> and <a> elements are used to provide the accessible experience for users. The <button> element is used when any action is performed. An <a> element will be used when the user will navigate another view.

There are many button variants, each applied as an attribute:

mat-buttonIt is a rectangular text button with no elevation
mat-raised-buttonIt is a rectangular contained button with elevation
mat-flat-buttonMat-flat-button is a rectangular contained button with no elevation
mat-stroked-buttonIt is also a Rectangular outlined button with no elevation
mat-icon-buttonmat-icon-button is a circular button with a transparent background, meant to contain an icon
mat-fabMat-fab is a circular button default to the theme's accent color
mat-mini-fabIt is the same as mat-fab but smaller in size

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