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Explain the file processing modes that Python supports.

2 Answers

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There are three file processing modes in Python: read-only(r), write-only(w), read-write(rw) and append (a). So, if you are opening a text file in say, read mode. The preceding modes become: “rt” fot read-only, “wt” for write and so on. Similarly a binary file can be opened by specifying “b” along with the file accessing flags (“r” ,”w”, “rw” and “a”) preceding it.

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Python provides four modes to open files. The read-only (r), write-only (w), read-write (rw) and append mode (a). 'r' is used to open a file in read-only mode, 'w' is used to open a file in write-only mode, 'rw' is used to open in reading and write mode, 'a' is used to open a file in append mode. If the mode is not specified, by default file opens in read-only mode.

  • Read-only mode (r): Open a file for reading. It is the default mode.
  • Write-only mode (w): Open a file for writing. If the file contains data, data would be lost. Other a new file is created.
  • Read-Write mode (rw): Open a file for reading, write mode. It means updating mode.
  • Append mode (a): Open for writing, append to the end of the file, if the file exists.

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