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in Ansible by

Can you please explain what is Ansible Tower? Can you please explain what are its features?

1 Answer

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1) Ansible Tower is a web-based solution that makes it easily accessible by IT teams. 

2) The main function of Ansible is to act as the hub for all automation tasks. The tower can be used for free for up to 10 nodes.

Below are some of the primary features of Ansible tower:

1) Job Scheduling. 

2) It helps to schedule the jobs to run later and set options for repetition.

3) Roll Based Action Control: You can easily set up different roles and provide access to specific roles using Ansible tower.

4) Fully Documented REST API: Using REST API, you can easily integrate Ansible with your already existing environment.

5) Portal Mode: Ansible Tower offers an easy to use UI, which is useful for both newbie and experienced users.

6) Cloud Integration: Ansible Tower has compatibility with most of the Cloud Environments such as Azure, RackSpace, and Amazon EC2.

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