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Save an attachment

db.putAttachment(docId, attachmentId, [rev], attachment, type, [callback]);

Attaches a binary object to a document.

This method will update an existing document to add the attachment, so it requires a rev if the document already exists. If the document doesn’t already exist, then this method will create an empty document containing the attachment.

What’s the point of attachments? If you’re dealing with large binary data (such as PNGs), you may incur a performance or storage penalty if you naïvely include them as base64- or hex-encoded strings inside your documents. But if you insert the binary data as an attachment, then PouchDB will attempt to store it in the most efficient way possible.

For details, see the CouchDB documentation on attachments.

Example Usage:

var attachment = new Blob(['Is there life on Mars?'], {type: 'text/plain'});
db.putAttachment('doc', 'att.txt', attachment, 'text/plain').then(function (result) {
  // handle result
}).catch(function (err) {

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