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Data Types in Java

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Data Types in Java

Java Data types in a variable in Java must be a specified data type:


int myNum = 5;               // Integer (whole number)

float myFloatNum = 5.99f;    // Floating point number

char myLetter = 'D';         // Character

boolean myBool = true;       // Boolean

String myText = "Hello";     // String

In Java Data types are divided into two groups:

Primitive data types - includes byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean and char

Non-primitive data types - such as String, Arrays and Classes (you will learn more about these in a later chapter)

Primitive Data Types

A primitive data type specifies the size and type of variable values, and it has no additional methods.

In Java , here are eight primitive data types in Java:


Primitive number types are divided into two groups:

Integer types stores whole numbers, positive or negative (such as 123 or -456), without decimals. Valid types are byte, short, int and long. Which type you should use, depends on the numeric value.

Floating point types represents numbers with a fractional part, containing one or more decimals. There are two types: float and double.

Integer Types


The byte data type can store whole numbers from -128 to 127. This can be used instead of int or other integer types to save memory when you are certain that the value will be within -128 and 127:


The long data type can store whole numbers from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. This is used when int is not large enough to store the value. Note that you should end the value with an "L":


The int data type can store whole numbers from -2147483648 to 2147483647. In general, and in our tutorial, the int data type is the preferred data type when we create variables with a numeric value.


int myNum = 100000;



long myNum = 15000000000L;



A boolean data type is declared with the boolean keyword and can only take the values true or false:


boolean isJavaFun = true;

boolean isFishTasty = false;

System.out.println(isJavaFun);     // Outputs true

System.out.println(isFishTasty);   // Outputs false

Boolean values are mostly used for conditional testing, which you will learn more about in a later chapter.


The char data type is used to store a single character. The character must be surrounded by single quotes, like 'A' or 'c':


char myGrade = 'B';


Alternatively, you can use ASCII values to display certain characters:


char a = 65, b = 66, c = 67;




Floating Point Types

You should use a floating point type whenever you need a number with a decimal, such as 9.99 or 3.14515.


The float data type can store fractional numbers from 3.4e−038 to 3.4e+038. Note that you should end the value with an "f":


float myNum = 5.75f;



The double data type can store fractional numbers from 1.7e−308 to 1.7e+308. Note that you should end the value with a "d":


double myNum = 19.99d;


Use float or double?

The precision of a floating point value indicates how many digits the value can have after the decimal point. The precision of float is only six or seven decimal digits, while double variables have a precision of about 15 digits. Therefore it is safer to use double for most calculations.

Scientific Numbers

A floating point number can also be a scientific number with an "e" to indicate the power of 10:


float f1 = 35e3f;

double d1 = 12E4d;



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