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in JAVA by
What is the Requirement for a Java Object to Become a Hibernate Entity Object?

1 Answer

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Let's discuss what are the rules or requirements to create a JPA entity class. An entity class must follow these requirements.

The class must be annotated with the javax.persistence.Entity annotation.

The class must have a public or protected, no-argument constructor. The class may have other constructors.

The class must not be declared final. No methods or persistent instance variables must be declared final.

If an entity instance is passed by value as a detached object, such as through a session bean's remote business interface, the class must implement the Serializable interface.

Entities may extend both entity and non-entity classes, and non-entity classes may extend entity classes.

Persistent instance variables must be declared private, protected, or package-private and can be accessed directly only by the entity class's methods. Clients must access the entity's state through accessor or business methods.

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