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How do you customize model directive for a component?

1 Answer

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The v-model directive on a component uses value as the prop and input as the event, but some input types such as checkboxes and radio buttons may need to use the value attribute for a server side value. In this case, it is preferred to customize model directive.

Let's take an example of checkbox component,

Vue.component('custom-checkbox', {

  model: {

    prop: 'checked',

    event: 'change'


  props: {

    checked: Boolean


  template: `




      v-on:change="$emit('change', $event.target.checked)"




Now you can use v-model on this customized component as below,

<custom-checkbox v-model="selectFramework"></custom-checkbox>

The selectFramework property will be passed to the checked prop and same property will be updated when custom checkbox component emits a change event with a new value.

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