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Compare Azure WebJobs vs Azure Function. When to use one?

1 Answer

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Azure Functions offers more developer productivity than Azure App Service WebJobs does. It also offers more options for programming languages, development environments, Azure service integration, and pricing. For most scenarios, it's the best choice.

Here are two scenarios for which WebJobs may be the best choice:

You need more control over the code that listens for events, the JobHost object. Functions offers a limited number of ways to customize JobHost behavior in the host.json file. Sometimes you need to do things that can't be specified by a string in a JSON file. For example, only the WebJobs SDK lets you configure a custom retry policy for Azure Storage.

You have an App Service app for which you want to run code snippets, and you want to manage them together in the same Azure DevOps environment.

Azure Functions is built on the WebJobs SDK, so it shares many of the same event triggers and connections to other Azure services. Here are some factors to consider when you're choosing

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