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in Swift by
Explain the common execution states for a swift iOS App (iOS Application Lifecycle).

1 Answer

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The 5 common execution states are as follows:

  • Not Running: This is a simple state in which our app is not launched or no code is being executed and terminated by the system and the application is completely switched off.
  • Inactive: This state is just a transitional state. Inactive state means our application is running in the background but is not able to receive events.
  • Active: Active state is the main execution state, where our app is running in the background and is able to receive events.
  • Background: This is the state where our App is running in the background and still is able to execute the code in the background.
  • Suspended: This state means that our app running is in the background state and the system suspends this app and the application cannot execute any code.

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