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in Ruby by
Given this code, and assuming @user is an instance of User that has an assigned location, which choice would be used to return the user's city?

    class Location < ActiveRecord::Base

        # has database columns for :city, :state

        has_many :users


    class User < ActiveRecord::Base

        belovngs_to :location

        delegate :city, :state, to: :location, allow_nil: true, prefix: true


 a. @user.user_city

 b. @user.location_city

 c. @user.city

 d. @user.try(:city)

1 Answer

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Given this code, and assuming @user is an instance of User that has an assigned location, which choice would be used to return the user's city?

    class Location < ActiveRecord::Base

        # has database columns for :city, :state

        has_many :users


    class User < ActiveRecord::Base

        belovngs_to :location

        delegate :city, :state, to: :location, allow_nil: true, prefix: true



 Correct answer is :-  @user.user_city

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