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Prodigious Git Hands-On Solution

1 Answer

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Prodigious Git Hands-On Solution

Course Id:- 61739 

Click on Terminal and write 

1. Committing Files



git init


cd test


git add helloworld.js

git commit -m "Initial Hello World Commit"

echo '*.tmp' > .gitignore

git add .gitignore

git commit -m "gitignore file"

2. committing changes


git status

git diff


cd test


git add committed.js

git diff --staged

git log --pretty=format:"%h %an %ar - %s"

git show

(In case if you failed at commits check on master)

git commit -m 'hello' (Use this after git diff command)

3. Working on Remote 



cd test

git init

git remote add origin ../.assessment/remote

git remote -v

touch abc.txt

git add abc.txt

git commit -m "new file abc.txt"

git push origin master

cd ..

bash .clone_sh


cd test

git pull origin master

cd ..


cd clone

git clone https://github.com/frescoplaylab/hello-world.git

4. Try it Out - Branch and Merge Conflicts


cd test

git init

git checkout -b feature1

git checkout -b feature2

git checkout feature1

vi hello.py

(Press i then make print('Hello people') then esc and type :wq)

git add hello.py

git commit -m 'changed from feature1'

git checkout master

git merge feature1

git checkout feature2

vi hello.py

(print('keep playing'))

git add hello.py

git commit -m 'changed from feature2'

git checkout master

git merge feature2

vi hello.py

(print('keep playing'))

git add hello.py

git commit -m 'resolved conflicts'

git branch -d feature1

git branch -d feature2

cd ../quotes/

vi Quotes.txt

(My life is my message.Mahatma Gandhi.)

git add Quotes.txt

git commit -m 'added gandhi quote'

git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

git checkout --ours Quotes.txt

git add Quotes.txt

git commit -m 'resolved conflicts'

git push origin master

vi Quotes.txt

(My life is my message. Mahatma Gandhi. Adding conflicts )

git add Quotes.txt

git commit -m 'final commit'

git push origin master

5. Rebase Conflict


git clone .assessment/remote

cd remote

vi check_number.py

(Press i then 

num = 2

if (num % 2) == 0:

print("{0} is Even".format(num))

else: print('{0} is Odd'.format(num))

Press esc then :wq)

git add check_number.py

git commit -m 'modified'

cd ..

bash .fetch_sh

cd remote

git diff master origin/master


git pull --rebase origin master

vi check_number.py


num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

if (num % 2) == 0:

print("{0} is Even".format(num))

else: print('{0} is Odd'.format(num))


git add check_number.py

git rebase --continue

git push origin master

6. Undo Changes


cd test

vi hello.py

(Press i then make the file

print("Hello World")

(Then press esc and type :wq)

git add hello.py

git commit --amend

(type :wq)

vi hello.py


print("Hello world")

Adding but to file


git checkout --hello.py

vi hello.py


print("Hello world")

Adding bug to file


git add hello.py

git reset hello.py

git add hello.py

git reset --hard

vi hello.py


print("Hello world")

print("Added bug to script")


git add hello.py

git commit -m 'changed hello.py'

git reset HEAD~1

git commit -am "commit to revert"

git revert HEAD

git revert HEAD...HEAD~3 --no-edit

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