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Read Eureka server Multiple Choice interview questions and Answers :

  • eureka server vs api gateway
  • netflix eureka server
  • eureka server spring boot
  • eureka server vs tomcat
  • eureka server spring boot example
  • eureka server dependency
  • eureka server configuration
  • eureka server heartbeat

1 Answer

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Question#1 What is the percentage of loss in the heartbeats for a eureka server to go into self-preservation mode?

Select the correct option from below

a) 0.25

b) 0.2

c) 0.35

d) 0.15

Answer:-  0.15

Question#2 What is the artifactid for the Eureka discovery client?

Select the correct option from below

a) hystrix-core

b) spring-cloud-starter-netflix-ribbon

c) Spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-server

d) spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client

Answer:-  spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client

Question#3 By default eureka client starts in which status?

Select the correct option from below



c) UP


Answer:-  UP

Question#4 Which annotation is used to make application act as Eureka Server?

Select the correct option from below

a) @EnableEurekaServer

b) @LoadBalanced

c) @EnableEurekaClient

d) @EnableDiscoveryClient

Answer:-  @EnableEurekaServer

Question#5 What is the default port for Eureka server?

Select the correct option from below

a) 8671

b) 8081

c) 8080

d) 8090

Answer:-  8671

Question#6 Which of the following annotation enables netflix discovery client?

Select the correct option from below

a) @LoadBalanced

b) @EnableEurekaClient

c) @EnableEurekaServer

d) @EnableDiscoveryClient

Answer:-  @EnableEurekaClient

Question#7 Eureka is a client side service discovery.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer:-  True

Question#8 What is the value assigned to the property registerWithEureka in order for a sevice to act as Eureka server?

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer:-  False

Question#9 What is the default Eureka lease renewal time?

Select the correct option from below

a) 40 sec

b) 25 sec

c) 30 sec

d) 35 sec

Answer:-  30 sec

Question#10 Which of the following is a netflix service discovery tool?

Select the correct option from below

a) Eureka

b) etcd

c) consul

d) Apache Zookeeper

Answer:-  Eureka

Question#11 What is the number of heartbeats expected from N instances/min?

Select the correct option from below

a) N*3

b) N*2

c) N*4

d) N

Answer:-  N*2

Question#12 How many components does eureka have?

Select the correct option from below

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Answer:-  2

Question#13 What is the artifactid for the Eureka server?

Select the correct option from below

a) spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client

b) spring-cloud-starter-netflix-ribbon

c) Spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-server

d) hystrix-core

Answer:-  Spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-server

Question#14 Eureka clients talk to Eureka Server in the same zone.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer:-  True

Question#15 What load balancing strategy does ribbon follow?

Select the correct option from below

a) Zone Aware Round Robin LB

b) Weighted Response Time LB

c) Simple Round Robin LB

d) All of the options

Answer:-  All of the options

Question#16 RibbonServerList is bean name of which bean type?

Select the correct option from below

a) ServerListFilter<Server>

b) IclientConfig

c) ServerList<Server>

d) ServerListUpdater

Answer:-  ServerList<Server>

Question#17 Which of the following feature of ribbon can detect the servers which are down?

Select the correct option from below

a) Fault Tolerance

b) Service Discovery Integration

c) Caching and Batching

d) Load Balancing

Answer:-  Fault Tolerance

Question#18 To create load balanced Resttemplate which annotation should be added to it?

Select the correct option from below

a) @RibbonClient

b) @LoadBalanced

c) @FeignClient

d) @EnableRibbon

Answer:-  @LoadBalanced

Question#19 Calling end-point “/service-registry” with GET returns the status of

Select the correct option from below

a) Registration

b) ServiceDiscovery

c) EurekaClient

d) Service Registry

Answer:-  Registration

Question#20 Which component specifies the load balancing rule we use in application?

Select the correct option from below

a) Ping

b) PingUrl

c) Rule

d) ServerList

Answer:-  Rule

Question#21 Ribbon client .ribbon.NIWSServerListClassName should implement?

Select the correct option from below

a) Irule

b) IloadBalancer

c) ServerList

d) ServerListFilter

Answer:-  ServerList

Question#22 Soon after you click on the downloaded file.

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer:-  False

Question#23 Netflix Ribbon is an Inter Process Communication (IPC) cloud library

Select the correct option from below

a) True

b) False

Answer:-  True

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