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I'm using php. I'd like to know how can I dynamically export data to excel file (.xls). in the query below in entered the fields in the clause Select which i want to see in the excel file.

$query = "SELECT f.attendee_id as id1, f.answer as Prenom, l.answer as Nom, c1.answer as choix

         FROM wp_events_answer f

         JOIN wp_events_answer l ON f.attendee_id = l.attendee_id

         JOIN wp_events_answer c1 ON f.attendee_id = c1.attendee_id

         WHERE (f.question_id = 1) AND (l.question_id = 2) AND (c1.question_id = 28);";

And i also entered the labels of this fields:

$tbl= " <table border='1'>

<tr height='50px'><td WIDTH='50px' align='center'>ID</td><td WIDTH='50px'   align='center'>Prenom</td><td WIDTH='50px'align='center'>Nom</td><td WIDTH='50px' align='center'>Choix 1</td><td WIDTH='50px' align='center'>Choix 2</td></tr>";.;

But i'd like that all this became dynamic because the user can create and modify the forms. So if the user add or modify a field the export will only works if this field is also modified in the code (Select clause).

Can you explain me how can I do this?


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1 Answer

0 votes
MYSQL code:

SELECT f.attendee_id as id1, f.answer as Prenom, l.answer as Nom, c1.answer as choix

    INTO OUTFILE '/path/to/file.csv'


            TERMINATED BY ';'


    FROM wp_events_answer f

     JOIN wp_events_answer l ON f.attendee_id = l.attendee_id

     JOIN wp_events_answer c1 ON f.attendee_id = c1.attendee_id

     WHERE (f.question_id = 1) AND (l.question_id = 2) AND (c1.question_id = 28);

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