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in Cloud Computing by

You have been asked to design an app that allows to upload images and documents to Cloud Storage. These files must be processed, classified, and have to remain available for a month. Then they must be archived.
You want to create a simple and functional solution.
Which of the following is the best one?

A. Use Google Cloud Storage Triggers and call a function that executes all the task requested
B. Use Google Cloud Storage Triggers and call a function that classifies files; configure the bucket with a lifecycle rule that changes the storage classes of Objects to Coldline Storage
C. Create a Linux Cron Job in a VM that executes all the task requested
D. Use Cloud Scheduler and setup an Appengine app

1 Answer

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Correct Answer B
The best way to archive Storage Objects after a period of time is to use Cloud Storage Object Lifecycle Management.
Everything is automated and done by GCP.
With Storage Triggers you can activate your function on any new file loaded.

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