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in Cryptography by
What exactly are encryption and decryption?

1 Answer

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The terms “scrambling” and “descrambling” are commonly known. In terms of decryption, scrambling and descrambling are also known as “encryption” and “decryption.”

For example: when the written message “I LOVE YOU” is scrambled by the sending party, it becomes what is known as the “encrypted message.” This means that the written message has been disguised in such a manner that it would be totally meaningless, or in the terms of cryptography, it would be undecipherable.

Encryption can also be described as conversion of information from a readable state to apparent nonsense. When the receiving party receives this encrypted written message, it must be unscrambled into an understandable and comprehensible state of context. This process of unscrambling is also known as decryption

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