1 Answer

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Below are the features of Spring Boot :

  1. Spring Boot CLI – This allows you to Groovy / Maven for writing Spring boot application and avoids boilerplate code.
  2. Starter Dependency – With the help of this feature, Spring Boot aggregates common dependencies together and eventually improves productivity and reduces the burden on
  3. Spring Initializer – This is a web application that helps a developer in creating an internal project structure. The developer does not have to manually set up the structure of the project while making use of this feature.
  4. Auto-Configuration – This helps in loading the default configurations according to the project you are working on. In this way, unnecessary WAR files can be avoided.
  5. Spring Actuator – Spring boot uses actuator to provide "Management EndPoints" which helps the developer in going through the Application Internals, Metrics etc.
  6. Logging and Security – This ensures that all the applications made using Spring Boot are properly secured without any hassle.

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