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in SVN by
Explain what checkout command is and how to use the checkout command in SVN?

1 Answer

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Check-Out command in SVN is used to create a local workable copy of your project retrieved from

the local repository.

For example, you have a project located in the repository created at URL location

http://www.madanswer.com/svn/myrepo/myproject.  So you have to checkout myproject into your local

system assuming myrepo is a public repository. You will use code

svn co http://www.madanswer.com/svn/myrepo/myproject .

This command will copy all your files to your current directory. If you want checkout the

directory which is in a private repository, you will then use the following command

svn co http://www.madanswer.com/svn/privaterepo/myproject –username admin –password admin

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