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What do we mean by a cross-functional Development Team?

a. Each of the Development Team members should be cross-functional

b. The developer should able to create test cases and execute them

c. The Development Team should collaborate with the other Development Teams

d. The Development Team consist of Developers and Testers

e. The Development Team should have all the skills necessary to deliver the Done Increment

1 Answer

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e. The Development Team should have all the skills necessary to deliver the Done Increment


Cross-Functional Scrum Teams are the teams having all the necessary skills and proficiency within the team to accomplish their work. These teams do not rely on anyone outside the team for completing the work items.

Thus, the Scrum Team is a very creative amalgamation of different skills required to complete the entire work item. Each team member may not necessarily have all the skills required to build the product but is competent in his/her area of expertise.

Having said that, the team member need not be cross-functional but the team as a whole has to be.

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