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in Hadoop by

Explain how YARN allocates resources to an application with the help of its architecture. 

1 Answer

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There is a client/application/API which talks to ResourceManager. The ResourceManager manages the resource allocation in the cluster. It has two internal components, scheduler, and application manager. The ResourceManager is aware of the resources that are available with every node manager. The scheduler allocates resources to various running applications when they are running in parallel. It schedules resources based on the requirements of the applications. It does not monitor or track the status of the applications.

Applications Manager is what accepts job submissions. It monitors and restarts the application masters in case of failures. Application Master manages the resource needs of individual applications. It interacts with the scheduler to acquire the required resources, and with NodeManager to execute and monitor tasks, which tracks the jobs running. It monitors each container’s resource utilization.

A container is a collection of resources, such as RAM, CPU, or network bandwidth. It provides the rights to an application to use a specific amount of resources. 

Let us have a look at the architecture of YARN:


Whenever a job submission happens, ResourceManager requests the NodeManager to hold some resources for processing. NodeManager then guarantees the container that would be available for processing. Next, the ResourceManager starts a temporary daemon called application master to take care of the execution. The App Master, which the applications manager launches, will run in one of the containers. The other containers will be utilized for execution. This is briefly how YARN takes care of the allocation.

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