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How to edit DNS?

1 Answer

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Your DNS records are usually managed at your domain registrar, unless you have changed the Name Servers to “point” them to your web hosting company (a common practice). Whichever set of Name Servers are specified for your domain is where you need to edit your DNS records.

Whether it is at your hosting company or your domain name registrar, you’ll find it easy to edit your DNS records. There’s usually a link to something like “DNS Records” or “DNS Zone Editor” on the control panel.

A DNS record has the following parts:

Type of record. The most common you will need to know about are:

A — the main record, used to identify the IP address that all requests should be sent to

CNAME — Used to map one domain onto another

MX — Mail exchange, used to identify the mail server for a domain

Domain name or subdomain

Address — In the case of most records, including A and MX, this is the IP address of the server that is going to handle requests for the domain or subdomain. In the case of CNAME records, this is another domain name or subdomain.

TTL — Time to Live. How long servers and routers should keep a cache of the record before rechecking.

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