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Enabling CORS

To replicate directly with CouchDB, you need to make sure CORS is enabled. Only set the username and password if you have set them previously. By default, CouchDB will be installed in "Admin Party," where username and password are not needed. You will need to replace myname. example. com with your own host ( if installed locally):

You can enable CORS in CouchDB using curl or the Futon web interface, but we've saved you some time by making a Node script called add-cors-to-couchdb. Just run:

$ npm install -g add-cors-to-couchdb
$ add-cors-to-couchdb

Or if your database is not at

$ add-cors-to-couchdb http://me. example. com -u myusername -p mypassword

You can check that CORS is now enabled by visiting http://localhost:5984/_utils/config.html in your browser. You should see something like this:

CORS settings in CouchDB

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