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in Azure by
Explain the steps to Attaching Data Disks to VM

1 Answer

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When a VM is created, the operating system disks and temporary disks are created. Data disks have to be created and added to the VM. Look into the following video to learn how to do that.

Azure CLI 2.0 is known as a command line tool used for accessing the resources in Azure. The CLI is designed to make scripting easy, flexible query data, support long-running operations as non-blocking processes, and more.
To install Azure CLI, check out Documentation.
Let's check some basic commands:
Creating Storage Account:
az storage account create --name accName --resource-group ResGrpName --sku standard_LRS --location useast.
Creating a Container:
az storage container create --name mycontainer --public-access blob/container
Use "blob" to allow public read access for blobs. Use "container" to allow public read and list access to the entire container.
Azure CLI 2.0 Commands
Uploading a blob:
az storage blob upload --container mycontainer --name blobname --file filepath.
Downloading a blob:
az storage blob download --resource-group resgrpName --name blobName --file savingPath.
Deleting a Storage Account:
az storage account delete --name accname.

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