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in Spark Sql by
How to calculate executor memory in Spark?

1 Answer

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Configuration of the cluster is as below :

Nodes = 10

Each Node has core = 16 cores (-1 for  operating systems)

Each Node Ram = 61 GB Ram  (-1 for Hadoop Deamons)

Number of cores identification:

Number of cores is, number of concurrent tasks an executor can run in parallel so the general rule of thumb for optimal value is 5 (–num-cores 5)

Number of executor identification :

No.of.executor = No.of.cores / concurrent tasks (5 in general)

15/5 = 3 is no.of.executor in each node

No.of.nodes * no.of.executor in each node = no.of.executor (for spark job)

10 * 3 = 30  (-–num-executors 30 )

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